When we think of pollution, many of us only consider it to be an outdoor hazard. However, our indoor air quality is much more important, as we spend most of our days inside. Aside from common indoor pollutants and dander, there is one relatively dangerous substance that can dramatically affect our health and wellbeing, and it is radon. This radioactive gas often goes undetected for too long, and unfortunately, prolonged exposure to dangerous levels could contribute to lung cancer. Radon exposure is one of the leading causes of lung cancer, right behind smoking. For this reason, you should always consider a radon test for your home. Here’s a brief look at what exactly radon is.

What Is Radon?

Radon is a radioactive gas that naturally occurs. It is colorless and odorless, much like carbon monoxide. Radon is especially concerning to our health if it is inhaled. It can damage our DNA, which can drastically increase our risk of cancer.

How Does Radon Form In The Home?

Radon forms when other radioactive chemicals such as thorium, uranium, or uranium break down in rocks, water, and soil. All of these substances are commonly found in the dirt beneath and around our homes. Any radon gas that is formed from the breakdown can make its way into the home through holes and cracks in the foundations.

How Common Is Radon In The Home?

Radon is a fairly commonly found gas in our homes. The EPA estimates that one in every fifteen homes has some form of elevated radon levels. As the gas is completely odorless and invisible, and since it doesn’t cause any immediate symptoms, many individuals don’t worry about it being a potential problem. However, prolonged exposure can be detrimental to your health.

The only way to determine whether there are high levels of radon in your home is to have it tested. Advanced radon testing is crucial in determining the risk of radon exposure in your home.