Your home’s air quality affects your overall wellbeing and health. When there are too many pollutants present in your home’s air, it can cause eye, throat, and nose irritation, especially if anyone has allergies to them.

Professional indoor air quality tests should be done regularly because it can help uncover what is in the air you breathe every day. Whether there is a buildup of dander, pollen, bacteria, or mold, just an abundance of one can cause illnesses in the home.

What Contributes To Poor Indoor Air Quality?

There are many common household products and elements that affect your indoor air quality. Wood, gas, tobacco, cleaning/disinfectant products, and hairsprays all can contribute to poor air quality. Opening the windows regularly can help release the pollutants, however, this can also be harmful to the overall air quality, especially in the warmer months. During the Spring and Summer, there is more pollen outside. For those with seasonal allergies, this can cause undesirable symptoms in the home.

How Air Quality is “Fixed”

The only true way to “fix” your indoor air quality is by hiring a professional to check the levels in the home. The tests conducted by professional air quality consultants will identify the overall levels of irritants in your home. Of course, once this has been identified, there will be a resolution to clearing out the pollutants.

When To Have Your Air Quality Tested

While you don’t need to have your home’s air quality checked constantly, there are times where you should have a professional look at your home’s air quality. If you have any extensive structural changes, such as home renovations, you may want to have your home’s air quality checked. You should also get your air quality tested if you or someone in the household has been diagnosed with a health condition, or if you have welcomed a new infant to the home. You will also benefit from getting a test done if anyone has also developed any sudden symptoms, such as scratchy throat, itchy eyes, or anything indicative of an allergic reaction.